After thinking about the website for a while I think that it needs some changes. Do you? I am going to make a page called Site Changes. On it there will be polls and comment boxes where you can say what you think should be changed added or removed. When you comment things you think should be added PLEASE do NOT say games. I have been trying to find out how to get them on a weebly site for proboly about a year. I do NOT know how to put them on the site if yuo do PLEASE tell us. Finaly It hurts me to say this, im typing VERY slowly as this hurts inside me, but I think that this website needs some exsitment added to it so... you as the voters and websiters you get to vote if the owner, Anneke gets voted off from the website. She still gets to look at the site and stuff... but she won't be an owner of the site anymore. If you are thinking, why does Anneke have a chance of getting voted off and not Teja? That is beacause Teja actually comes on the site. Anneke kinda never does.

this was copyed off of Christina's Corner (incase you dont look on her blog)

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    April 2013

    Original Noun

    Teja is always in a good mood looking for smthing fun to do. Shes really good with little kids and is varry active. Teja is varry creative and loves to play with her friends.